Red Hat Linux Automation with Ansible (RH294) Course
- 32 Hours
By taking the Red Hat linux automation with ansible course, you will gain expertise in managing a large number of systems and applications in an efficient and consistent manner. You will learn how to use Ansible to automate tasks such as provisioning, configuring, deploying applications and orchestration.

About the course
Red Hat Linux Automation with Ansible (RH294) is a training course offered by Red Hat that teaches participants how to automate the deployment, configuration, and management of Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems using Ansible. Ansible is an open-source automation tool that allows users to automate repetitive tasks, such as provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, and orchestration.
This course, along with other Ansible certification courses and exam, are designed to give IT professionals the skills to automate and manage IT operations at scale, improve efficiency, and reduce errors.
Course Objectives
- Install and configure Ansible or Red Hat Ansible Engine on a control node.
- Create and manage inventories of managed hosts, as well as prepare them for Ansible automation.
- Run individual ad hoc automation tasks from the command line.
- Write Ansible Playbooks to consistently automate multiple tasks and apply them to managed hosts.
- Parameterize playbooks using variables and facts, and protect sensitive data with Ansible Vault.
- Write and reuse existing Ansible roles to simplify playbook creation and reuse code.
- Automate common Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administration tasks using Ansible.
Course Outline
- Introduce Ansible
- Deploy Ansible
- Implement playbooks
- Manage variables and facts
- Implement task control
- Deploy files to managed hosts
- Manage large projects
- Simplify playbooks with roles
- Troubleshoot Ansible
- Automate Linux administration tasks